South County Rationales
SDCTA Supports
Click on the Measure to hear our rationale and a link to the policy paper
Tax Measures
The Association supports extending Measure P as it has successfully funded critical infrastructure improvements and will continue to enhance Chula Vista’s quality of life while contributing to the city's long-term fiscal stability.Link to Policy Paper:
School Bonds
The Association SUPPORTS as San Ysidro School District has demonstrated facilities needs and has developed plans that meet the rigorous standards on bond proposals that SDCTA has developed over decades of collective experience. The District has provided all necessary material needed for review and is continuing to improve in their management; however, the District still has ways to go for improvement.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association SUPPORTS as Southwestern Community College District has demonstrated facilities needs and has developed plans that meet the rigorous standards on bond proposals that SDCTA has developed over decades of collective experience. The District has provided all necessary material needed for review and has provided evidence of adopting SDCTA policies and resolutions.Link to Policy Paper:
SDCTA Opposes
Click on the Measure to hear our rationale and a link to the policy paper
Tax Measures
The Association opposes the measure due to its reliance on ballot box budgeting and the regressive nature of parcel taxes, which disproportionately burden low-income taxpayers and could further exacerbate poverty in San Diego.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association OPPOSES the measure due to its reliance on ballot box budgeting and the regressivity of sales taxes, which unfairly burdens low-income taxpayers who already disproportionately fund transportation infrastructure through fuel taxes, potentially pushing more San Diego households into poverty.
School Bonds
The SDCTA recommends OPPOSE as Chula Vista Elementary School District currently has multiple bond programs in progress and the SDCTA was not provided with plans for the District’s housing proposal.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association OPPOSES as South Bay Union School District has not provided evidence of adopting SDCTA policies and resolutions; has no guarantees of securing a waiver for the proposed bond amounts, which exceed the District’s bonding capacity; and has included a workforce housing component in their proposal with no supporting plans.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association OPPOSES as Sweetwater Union High School District did not submit substantive materials for review and has not shown evidence of adopting SDCTA policies and resolutions. As a result, the District has not demonstrated facilities needs and has not developed plans that meet the rigorous standards on bond proposals that SDCTA has developed over decades of collective experience.Link to Policy Paper: