East County Rationales
SDCTA Supports
Click on the Measure to hear our rationale and a link to the policy paper
Tax Measures
The San Diego County Taxpayers Association supports Lemon Grove's proposed one-cent sales tax measure for its strong transparency, fiscal accountability, and inclusion of a sunset clause, ensuring effective use of funds for critical infrastructure needs while protecting taxpayers from permanent tax increases.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association supports El Cajon’s proposed extension of the Proposition J Sales Tax. This support stems from the demonstrated need for additional funds, particularly in addressing public safety needs. El Cajon has shown overall strong city performance, with past usage of funds reflecting responsible fiscal management. Furthermore, the measure adheres to SDCTA's tax measure evaluation criteria by ensuring accountability and transparency through a 20-year sunset clause and the establishment of a citizens' oversight committee.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association supports continuing Proposition L for its vital role in funding essential services that enhance resident quality of life, though it acknowledges the need for structural reorganization to address ongoing concerns.Link to Policy Paper:
School Bonds
SDCTA staff recommends SUPPORT of this bond issue. Based on prior experience, the District is well-versed in managing bond issues with internal staff. Outside consultants will be hired to assist with the execution of projects in the program as needed. There will be no increase of tax rates. The assessed value of the District has been reported as $9,404,289,930 and the bonding capacity as $117,553,624.Link to Policy Paper:
The SDCTA recommends SUPPORT as Alpine Union School District has demonstrated facilities needs and has developed plans that meet the rigorous standards on bond proposals that the SDCTA has developed over decades of collective experience. While the SDCTA supports, there are still structural concerns that need to be addressed through reorganization by the District.Link to Policy Paper:
SDCTA staff recommends SUPPORT of this bond issue. Based on prior experience, the District is well versed in managing bond issues with internal staff. Outside consultants will be hired to assist with the execution of projects in the program as needed. The assessed value of the District has been reported as $22,353,006,315 and the bonding capacity as $279,412,579.Link to Policy Paper:
SDCTA Opposes
Click on the Measure to hear our rationale and a link to the policy paper
Tax Measures
The Association opposes the measure due to its reliance on ballot box budgeting and the regressive nature of sales taxes, which unfairly burden low-income taxpayers and could push more San Diego households into poverty.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association OPPOSES the measure due to its reliance on ballot box budgeting and the regressivity of sales taxes, which unfairly burdens low-income taxpayers who already disproportionately fund transportation infrastructure through fuel taxes, potentially pushing more San Diego households into poverty.
School Bonds
The Association OPPOSES as Dehesa School District did not submit substantive materials for review and has not shown evidence of adopting SDCTA policies and resolutions. Additionally, there are concerns over the District’s questionable enrollment trends as well as the source of their expected students. As a result, the District has not demonstrated facilities needs and has not developed plans that meet the rigorous standards on bond proposals that SDCTA has developed over decades of collective experience.Link to Policy Paper:
The Association OPPOSES as Lemon Grove School District has not demonstrated facilities needs and has not developed plans that meet the rigorous standards on bond proposals that SDCTA has developed over decades of collective experience. There are also concerns over the District’s budgeting from prior bond measures as well as a workforce housing element in the proposed measure that has no concrete plans given the structure of the two proposed bonds and the proposed budget.Link to Policy Paper: